Where Have All the Evangelists Gone? with Bill Hogg
Why are we losing our evangelistic pulse in local churches? In this episode, we talk with Bill Hogg about the disappearance of evangelists and the pressing need to fan into flame gospel potency and evangelistic giftings in local churches. Bill is the National Director of Message Canada and Lead for Advance Canada. To connect with Bill or to learn more about his work, visit www.messagecanada.org. Information about Advance Groups can be found at www.advancegroups.org. To register for the Advance Evangelists Summit, go to www.advancesummit.org. In this episode, Rob references two books: Preaching by Tim Keller and How to Preach & Teach the Old Testament for All Its Worth by Christopher J.H. Wright.
In the pre-show, Rob, Dan, and Geoff talk about appropriate Christmas decorating and the challenge pastors face in doing personal evangelism. For more information about the podcast, visit www.churchinthenorth.ca. For questions or inquiries, please email us: podcast@churchinthenorth.ca. If you like what you hear, please share this podcast with others, give us a review, or leave a comment.