Student Athletes

The Briercrest Way

UNITED by our purpose, strengthened by our pillars


 To perennially produce conference, national, and life champions


Having unselfish members that are driven in pursuit of perfection in their lives

Being tenacious in our quest to be the best Christian athletic educational experience 

Being intentional in innovative ways to eternally impact lives  


Developing and nurturing men and women who desire 

To use their God given gifts in daily service 

Win conference championships 

Win National championships


Unselfish- Understanding the power that comes from a collaborative effort

Nurturing- Approaching care and development with a positive intensity 

Intentional- Having a focused purpose for every moment 

Tenacious- Relentlessly holding firm to our purpose

Eternal- Investing today, impacting forever

Discipline- Making consistent daily choices to develop crucial habits 

Briercrest Academic Regulations for Student-Athletes

  • Briercrest desires to help our athletes create abilities to allow you to meet a high set of standards for yourself and for your teammates
  • A schedule of athletic department games is sent to the Dean of Academics to be aware of the upcoming season of travel 
  • This communicated to the professors at the beginning of the semester 
  • In the event that you will be away from classes due to scheduled varsity contests, it is your responsibility of personally communicate to professors well in advance regarding days and times that will be missed to remind the professor of the upcoming absence. 
  • Overt communication is the best practice when working with the professors regarding understanding progress or status in their classes. We want our athletes to be invested in their success as a student.